NHS tripped up by Warrensburg
(High School Sports ~ 05/06/16)
The Nevada Tigers tennis team was defeated Wednesday at home by Warrensburg, 8-1. The West Central Conference loss brings the Tigers to 7-9 overall. Singles Max Manley (Warr) defeated Jordan Sheeny, 8-5. Jacob Rice (Warr) defeated Matt Sommer, 8-0...
Liberal wins district softball tournament
(High School Sports ~ 05/06/16)
DIAMOND ---- The Liberal Lady Bulldogs defeated Jasper and Diamond en route to the school's first Class 1 District 11 softball crown. After receiving an opening-round bye, top-seeded Liberal (16-4 overall) throttled Jasper 17-5 Tuesday in the semifinals, advancing to face Diamond in Wednesday's championship game...
Applications available for senior men's scramble tournament
(High School Sports ~ 05/06/16)
Applications for the Senior Men's Scramble Tournament are now available at Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course in Nevada. According to a press release from John Taylor, the tournament's director, this years tournament will include closest to the pin, longest drive, and longest putts for each of the three age groups...
Griffons camp set for June 10
(High School Sports ~ 05/06/16)
The Nevada Griffons annual Youth Baseball Camp is slated for June 10 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for ages 7-and-up. For youth ages 4-6, camp will be held June 13 from 10-11 a.m. For both camp sessions, Griffons players and coaches will work with youth on baseball fundamentals and other areas of the game...
Local schools gearing up for district meets
(High School Sports ~ 05/06/16)
The Nevada Tigers track-and-field team is slated to compete in the Class 4 District 6 meet held at Branson High School May 14. Schools participating in the Class 1 District 3 meet scheduled for Saturday at Skyline High School, include: Sheldon, Bronaugh, Liberal, and Rich Hill. Note: Hume and NEVC did not field track-and-field teams this season...
Rich Hill's Thomas inks with Cottey (College Sports ~ 05/06/16)
Keep this under your tongue please
(Column ~ 05/06/16)
How many times do you remember that order from your mother, when she was taking your temperature? Most of my fellow "boomers," grew up using those old glass thermometers. Like so many innovations in our modern world, we now have digitized thermometers...
Middle Age Plus Minus
(Column ~ 05/06/16)
It is with regret I inform my readers this will be my last Middle Age Plus column. Due to my health limitations, I am no longer able to maintain the level I have tried to maintain in my writing. Coordination of eyes, fingers and thoughts has become more difficult...
Schell City aldermen sworn in
(Local News ~ 05/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail Schell City swore in three returning and one new council member at the monthly board meeting Wednesday night. Mayor Tom Haddix, aldermen Quentin Goodman and James Conwell returned to the board for another term. David McCubbin joined the board as a south ward alderman...
Sheldon approves modified bandstand bid
(Local News ~ 05/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail During a work session Tuesday evening, the Sheldon Board of Alderman voted to accept the bid from Mark Rives for the construction of a new bandstand at the city park. The bid had been previously rejected in its initial form totaling more than $60,000, but following a discussion with Rives during an April 25 special board meeting, and the work session Tuesday evening, the board reversed its rejection of the bid, accepting it with a number of modifications reducing the project cost by approximately $20,000. ...
Nevada JROTC cadets fly in Blackhawk helicopter (Local News ~ 05/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail Cadets from the Nevada R-5 Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps had the opportunity Thursday to fly on a U.S. Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. Lt. Col. David Coss (retired), U.S. Air Force, is the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor and Air Force JROTC commander at Nevada High School. He said that today's flights gave the cadets as an orientation flight to expose the students to the career opportunities within the U.S. military and as a reward for a year of hard work... -
Richards fire Tuesday morning (Local News ~ 05/06/16)
McKenzie agrees to serve on VCAD board
(Local News ~ 05/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail According to a May 4, press release from the Vernon County Ambulance District, "James McKenzie has notified the Vernon County Ambulance District that he will accept the position of Director from Sub-District 5 and that he will appear at the next regular meeting to take the oath of office. ...
Stories from Friday, May 6, 2016
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