Cattlemen consider herd reduction in dealing with drought

Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Despite a slight reprieve of weekend rains and cooler temperatures Vernon County is still trapped within the confines of a drought situation. This persistent condition is going to affect how local cattle producers are going to manage their herds for the upcoming winter. Missouri Department of Agriculture state veterinarian Dr. Taylor Woods said, in a press release, "With little to no rainfall since early July, we know some farmers are going to be faced with critical decisions regarding their livestock herds. We're hoping some sound management advice will help producers make it through this difficult time." Since live cattle prices are currently fairly high this would be a good time to cull the herd a bit. Woods suggests selling open cows and weaning a little early. By reducing numbers the impact on the pastures will be reduced and the amount of hay needed until spring is lessened. Since pastures are, for the most part, gone or dried up it is important to keep gains and milk production up with other feeds. "If producers are considering buying hay or feed, they should be sure to look for good quality hay and then supplement it with corn, vitamins and minerals," said Woods. With respect to proper herd management, last week's high temperatures made handling cattle particularly hard on animals. Dr. Brad Copeland of the Nevada Veterinary Clinic said "I advise against working cattle in the heat." Copeland said that it is important to provide adequate amounts of water and shade or the animals and to try to cut down on as much animal stress as possible. When cattle are in stressful conditions they are more susceptible to disease and will not gain as well. Last week. Governor Bob Holden asked the federal government to consider Missouri as a drought disaster area. This will be done on a county by county basis and the chances of Vernon County making the grade are fairly high.

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