Leonard at large

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

You have heard or read in the news and in many other places recently about the obesity that exists in our culture. It has become an epidemic and there is indication that obesity will take over tobacco as the leading cause of death. The deaths caused by tobacco is on the decrease with more people discontinuing smoking. On the other hand, the number with obesity has increased. How have we as a society allowed ourselves to get into this position? Each adult has to accept the blame and not blame it on the fast food industry or anything else. Yes, it can be contributed on fast food -- the selections of many of the fast foods.

Many people do not take the time to prepare a good nutritious meal and to take time to eat properly.

Contributing to the cause of obesity is the lifestyle that we have developed in our society. The lifestyle includes our diet and the lack of exercise. There are many telling people what they need to eat and others are telling something else, often in conflict. Some are saying to cut out the carbs and at the same time others are saying that cutting out the carbs are harmful. It gets confusing, who do you listen to? Even those who are designated as authorities on diets are often wrong in what they are recommending or the diet that they feed to others.

With the attempt to lose weight, diets do not normally work. Many will go on a diet and lose weight, but soon gain it back and maybe more. In addition they do not exercise. It really takes a change in lifestyle -- eating properly in moderation and exercising.

Generally, it is recommended to check with your physician before doing exercises.

Recently, I read something that is rather interesting. It was suggested that diabetics needed to check with their physician, if they discontinue their exercises.

Sometimes it is hard to take the time and energy to exercise. However, by exercising a person has more energy to do things. For many of us, it is difficult to eat in moderation -- it needs to be done. Our culture is different than it was several years ago, when people did much physical work.

Most disturbing is what is happening to our youth. Obesity among children is becoming a greater problem. One segment on TV the other day indicated that the obesity of children is affecting the blood vessels. It was indicated that youth of today, due to their obesity, will have a shorter longevity than their parents. This is backwards as life longevity has been increasing. Due to obesity in youth, this may reverse.

There are enough people concerned about this problem with children, that you will be hearing and reading much more about what is needing to be done.

Recommendations will be made to the parents and to schools. Kids are going to have to do something other than sitting in front of the TV or a computer. They need to become more active once again. Also, they need to be fed good nutrition -- instead of the junk food that many are eating.

Kids are not participating in physical education classes as they were several years ago, when it was required all four years of high school. Perhaps to help save our children, schools should go back to having physical education and to include it all the way from pre-school to 12th grade. If it means spending more time in the school day to get it in -- so be it. In some locations, the schools are being encourage even required to expand the physical education programs.

What has happened to the intramural sports? A good intramural program would get many more youth involved instead of only the limited portion that now exist.

There are some locations where schools are being required to remove their pop machines. The vast amount of sugar in each bottle or can of pop contributes to the obesity of children. They need to be encouraged to drink other fluids -- including water.

One dental hygienist has expressed the need to remove the pop machines -- to save the teeth. The sugar contributes to tooth decay. This is another reason to remove the pop machines from the schools.

Some might suggest making diet pop available. That is not a solution as it also creates problems. Some claim that diet pop causes a craving for sugar or carbs. Best to remove it all from the entire school.

One person the other day suggested that we should eat like a skinny person -- just not eat much and leave much of the food on the plate. It is also suggested to eat like a diabetic should eat.

Those who are cutting out the potatoes, white bread, pasta and other similar carbs are getting good results in loosing weight. Also, exercising needs to be included. A new program that many are starting on is the South Beach Diet and they are having good results. One of the things they suggest is grinding cauliflower to replace mashed potatoes.

Recently I was introduced to it, and it is good.

These are a few opinions that I have at this time relating to our problem with obesity in our society. The obesity often leads to many health problems, including heart attacks and diabetes. Adults are needing to get control of their own situation. I read that obesity is the biggest sin that we have. There are some who cannot control their weight, but most people can do something about it, if there is sufficient commitment and dedication.

Of most concern is what we as a culture are doing to our kids. As a culture and for the benefit of our children, we gotta to do something.