The Third Cup
Party on!
Hi neighbors. Another Bushwhackers is over and Father's Day is here! I hope you all got to spend some time on the square last week to take in the sights and sounds of the annual Bushwhacker event.
As usual, it was a great turn out with lots of things to see and do. Lots of things to eat as well. Kids all love the carnival and teens love the music.
We slower moving folks don't need a carnival ride to give us that good old dizzy feeling, and we don't rock and roll any more -- at least not often. The vendor booths are what I like best. Well, maybe not so much what's in the booths as just wandering around from one to the next and chatting with people.
Small town fairs are like family reunions for the whole town. Everyone runs into people they haven't seen in a while. I always feel bad when I meet people I know I know, but I can't remember their names. Luckily, most of them don't remember mine either as we chat for several minutes about past connections, without ever calling each other by name. Doesn't mean we don't have a good conversation, and we certainly enjoy the meeting.
I'm always amazed at hand crafted items that appear at all the fairs and events around the area. People are really talented at creating something cool out of some of the oddest "stuff." It's not just our area that has town fairs. This week, Fort Scott is having a big event too. It was one of four towns selected to host a week-long Kansas Chautauqua.
Of course we have county fairs, state fairs, and even a World's Fair now and then. I wonder why we don't have a USA Fair? Maybe we do and I've forgotten it. I suppose we could count July 4 as the country's fair.
Father's Day could be considered a family fair I guess. Heaven knows there is always lots of food! There may not be crafter's booths, but creative stuff often shows up. Sometimes there are even sporting events -- kids running through the sprinkler, throwing the Frisbee or shooting each other with water pistols.
Often it's more like a circus maybe than a fair. Dad's famous fire act in four stages. First stage, starting the fire, AKA "firing up the grill." It can be pretty exciting, especially if he uses too much charcoal starter. Kids have to keep a distance for this part. The dog usually hides.
Stage two is the "laying on of the meat" phase. The family dog usually enjoys this stage the most. He knows there will be at least one meat patty or hot dog fall off the tray as it is handed from Mom to Dad or as Dad wades through a throng of jumping children wanting to see what he's carrying all the way from the back door to the grill.
Stage three is the "is it done yet" phase where Dad is constantly being second-guessed by hungry family members. Here is where Dad can really show both his authority and uncanny discernment. It's not done till Dad says it's done...period.
Stage four is the "ahhhh -- yummm" part. The food is done! Rover likes this stage too. He's usually finished eating what fell off in stages one and two and the cast away experimental taste-testing pieces from stage three. He is ready for the overly flipped burger that falls from the grill or the errant hot dog that rolls off some little kid's plate in stage four.
Dad becomes dog's best friend on Father's Day. He's already everyone else in the family's best friend.
Sad to say there are some Dads who won't be home for Father's Day because they are serving their country abroad. Luckily, most families have a stand-in Dad -- Grandpa! I wish all those families (and their Dads, of course) a special "Happy Father's Day!" I remember a special treat on Father's Day was a trip to the zoo or walks in the park. After all that food at lunch, or before all that food at dinner, a walk was a nice compliment to the meal.
If you have a family outing as part of the celebration, don't forget to take Rover! He will need the exercise too.
Until the next time friends remember; whether it's a city wide celebration, or a hot grilled meal in your own back yard, when people get together to have a good time -- a good time is usually had by all. Particularly if at least one person remembers to bring coffee!