
Letters to the editor

Monday, June 21, 2004

Thanks for your help

Dear Editor:

Moss House would like to thank everyone in the community that supported us during our recent fund-raising drive, Mile of Money. We raised $7,714 for the shelter. Thank you to all the individuals that supported us through donations, volunteer help, and attendance at our barbeque.

A special thank you to the following businesses, churches, and clubs that supported us:

Deerfield Baptist Church, Double Branch Ladies Aid, Dr. & Mrs. Ben Mendenhall, Nevada Eagles, H & R Block, Meyers Management, Guthrie Motors, Movie Barn, Bogle Plumbing, Beta Sigma Phi XP Psi, Evergreen Memorial Chapel, Vinyard Farm & Home Supply, Soroptimist International of Nevada, Diane's Daycare, LPL Financial, Wallace Repair, Kapple's, Little Elves Cleaning, Auto Spot, Barton's Lumber, Rinehart Jewelry, Cavener's Library & Office, Sportsplex, Star Cleaners, CMJ Financial Center, Heritage State Bank, First National Bank, Nevada Auto Mall, Perry Grizzle Insurance, Ferry Funeral Home, Skills Unlimited, Dr. Tom Bunton, Metz Banking Company, Dr. Robyn Moore, U.S. Bank, Butler-Davidson Counseling, The Barnes Company, Ewing & Hoberock, CMHC, Thalias MFWC, Nevada Elks, The Laurels MFWC, Watchman Outreach Ministries, Nevada Shrine Club, Nevada Chapter Order of Eastern Star, Beta Sigma Phi Gamma Mu, the VFW Auxiliary and the Presbyterian Church of El Dorado Springs.

We would especially like to thank KNEM/KNMO for our pre-event coverage and letting our community know about Mile of Money.

Domestic violence is a crime that affects everyone in society.

Every nine seconds a woman is battered in the United States.

Thank you for helping us bring safety, love, hope, and understanding to victims of domestic violence and their children. God bless each one of you.


Martha Sander

Executive Director, Moss House

Dear editor:


Sometimes in life we are all afraid

While trying so hard to be discreet

Fearing that we could be betrayed

Believing everyone is out to cheat

We refuse to trust all other nations

They are deceitful if not from here

Why don't we have the expectation

Another nationality may be sincere

In our lives we should face reality

An American citizen can be a thief

We have no monopoly on morality

I know some who caused me grief

Another language, or another race

Might be just as honest as you or I

Another color of skin on their face

Don't mean they might cheat or lie

Do you trust people in corporations

Throughout our great United States

We all heard the illegal allegations

Years of jail time may be their fate

Even our leaders have told us lies

We each have heard of their deceit

Before a persons fraud we surmise

Trusting others is a two way street

Thelma Shutters

Schell City