The Way It Was

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

100 years ago:


At the Samuel McGowan Residence Sunday Afternoon.

During the electrical storm Sunday afternoon the family of Samuel McGowan residing on north Commercial street had a very narrow escape from death but fortunely (sic) escaped with their lives. Two out of the family and a young lady visitor were painfully burned requiring the services of Dr. E.A. Dulin. The lightning it seems entered the house in two places and damaged the building. The lightning entered through a door transon (sic) on the north east corner of the house also under a window on the southeast corner. Three persons were burned by the flashes of electricity. Miss Clemy Hunt was burned over her shoulders and arms, Nellie McGowan was burned over the front of her body and arms and Muggy McGowan across his face.

75 years ago:


An oil stove exploded at 1:45 Thursday afternoon and set fire to a four room house in the sixteen hundred block of West Hickory street, belonging to Chester Davis, and occupied by Kendrick Clinton.

The fire department was called but the building was out of reach of a water plug and burned down.

The firemen prevented the flames from spreading to other houses by the use of chemicals.

50 years ago:

Estimated wheat yield in county at near tecord : 930,000 Bushel Yield; Oats Top The Million Mark

With the Harvest of grain in Vernon County about completed, County Agent James McCatt and Clark Covington, manager of the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation office, Saturday estimated this year's bumper wheat yield to be 930,000 bushels and the oat yield in the county estimated at 1,350,000 bushels.

The two farm experts based their findings on estimates figured on the number of acres planted in each grain.

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