Ladies' hunter education class to be next week
Special to the Daily Mail
Conservationists view hunter education training as a form of life insurance -- only rarely is anyone who has had such training involved in any kind of firearms or hunting accident.
The Missouri Department of Conservation will co-sponsor a hunter education course with the Nevada Regional Technical Center on Wednesday, Aug. 11 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 14, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The class will be held at the Bowman Building at the NRTC North Campus cafe 2015 North West Street in Nevada.
Students must attend both sessions of the class.
Pre-registration is required by calling the Bowman Building at (417) 448-2016 after 8 a.m. on weekdays. An adult must attend with students under the age of 13 and lunch is to be furnished by the students on Saturday.
Included in the training will be gun safety, information about firearms and ammunition, the role of the hunter and hunting in wildlife management and conservation, responsibilities of the outdoorsman, outdoor ethics, and hunter preparedness.
Those successfully completing the course will receive a Hunter Education Certification Card, also known as a Heritage Card, from the Missouri Department of Conservation, This certification is mandatory for persons born after Jan. 1, 1967, in order to purchase a hunting permit in Missouri, most states and Canadian provinces. Certification is limited to students 11 years of age or older.
All students should bring a pen, and their Social Security number. Students under the age of 16 should bring proof of age.
For more information, contact Vernon County Conservation Agent Larry Abraham at (417) 667-2069, or the chief instructor for the class David Rutledge at (417) 667-5378.