Nevada golf eighth in Pittsburg

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada Lady Tigers golfers finished eighth as a team at the Pittsburg Invitational Tuesday.

Playing 18 holes at Crestwood Country Club, the Lady Tigers had some trouble with the slower greens and individually were unable to break 100.

The Nevada players were consistent though, as junior Emily Benbrook led the team with a 106, and was followed by Aubrey Jones one shot behind her.

Rachel Prewitt shot 108 and Tabitha Pitts 110 and the team finished with a 431, which actually tied them for seventh.

Nevada lost the team tiebreaker to Caney for the seventh spot.

"They all felt like they had trouble putting," Nevada coach Kelly Gray said referring to the slow greens.

Gray was happy with the consistent play though.

Nevada is scheduled to play in the SMSU Relays at the Payne Stewart Golf Course in Springfield today.

It is the final regular season tournament of the year.

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