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Leonard at Large
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Community plans became a work in progress
The Vernon County Vision 2000 was formally launched on February 25, 1999, when a community needs assessment project began with a large group of community leaders.
Bob Davis was director of the Nevada Area Economic Development Commission at the time. He and others were excited about the project that also involved Vernon County, the city of Nevada, Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Nevada.
The assessment incorporated 42 identified interest groups and was patterned after the Missouri Community Betterment Plan. I was involved with two of the task forces. The late Wayne Neal and I were the co-chairs for community services and facilities. I was also a member of youth programs. A total of 32 task forces held numerous focus group sessions and workshop meetings to gather supportive data and suggestions and produced a report that was presented to the Vernon County Commissioners, Nevada City Council, Main Street Nevada, Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce. Some task forces were disbanded due to lack of interest, others were merged and some have continued meeting.
Being involved in something of this type was not new to me. At the University Extension, we developed long-range plans every 5 years with community leaders. Previously, the chamber of commerce, with a group of leaders, developed a community plan. Many of these plans were placed on a shelf and forgotten.
Perhaps in developing Vision 2000 some of the plans were dreams and perhaps were not the real needs, or there has not yet been any development in those areas.
Still, many of those needs, dreams, desires or whatever you may want to call them, became accomplished goals.
It is a good idea to go back to the documents that contained the plans and measure what has been done. Sometimes we fail to appreciate the accomplishments being made in Nevada and Vernon County. While many of our own citizens do not realize the accomplishments and have a rather negative outlook, there are people in other communities that are looking toward this area and wondering how so much is being accomplished.
Recently, Kathi Wysong, chamber of commerce executive director, was a speaker at the National Association of Federal Retired Employees chapter where she spoke on the Vision 2000 process and the progress that has been made. She is enthusiastic about this area and is a good promoter for us. She shared the accomplishment that has been made since the beginning of Vision 2000 with the group attending.
A list of these accomplishments have been obtained from Wysong. She thinks that there may have been additional accomplishments, but these are some which are familiar to her.
According to Wysong, since the Vision 2000 assessment process began, many new and improved services, have been added. Her list includes:
* A city/county recycling center.
* New pecan co-op retail/processing plant which recently received a grant to market organic grown pecans.
* New landscape design for courthouse grounds.
* Christmas lighting projects at city park and downtown.
* Three additional historic murals added.
* New sidewalk improvements to enhance Osage Blvd. pedestrian access.
* Incentive options developed for new business development
* Improved vocational training at high school and college levels, training programs for dislocated workers.
* Increased tourism grants for creating new events and conferences.
* New Vernon County Senior Center located at 301 North Main.
* All new water park at the municipal pool New skatepark for skateboarders.
* Continued improvements to infrastructure -- including water treatment, streets, and the development of the plans toward an improved sewer system.
* Leadership development program is planned.
* Renovated theater for community performing arts.
* Regional artists showing and auction event.
* Created a Missouri living history day for all area fourth grade students.
* The 2004 wildlife recreation festival with national sponsors was held -- plans are developing for a bigger and better one for 2005.
* New Americans with Disability Act fishing dock and park improvements for citizens with disabilities.
* Installed new AM emergency frequency broadcast system.
* Broadened community involvement against domestic violence.
* New Farmers Market Square Days for downtown marketplace
* New dental office constructed 18.2 million dollars on the expansion for the Nevada Regional Medical Center.
* New senior housing project approved.
* Significant technology advancements made in high speed/DSL/broadband access for region -- additional technology improvements are being planned.
* Community logo and regional marketing strategy developed.
* Increased regional and state tourism networking for promotional advantages.
* All class reunion project was established in 2000 -- this is planned for every five years with the next one scheduled for 2005. This list demonstrates that much have been done and much more are being done.
Realizing this helps to give Kathi enthusiasm as it should for each of us.
You most likely can add some additional things to the list such as new retail stores and new industry. Folks, do not let anyone tell you any different, people are looking to this area with envy.
Certainly, in Nevada/ Vernon County there is "work in process." Perhaps Vision 2000 planning had an impact to contribute to what has been done.