The Way It Was

Thursday, December 30, 2004

100 years ago:

Judge Timmonds retires

With his disposition of the Todd case Judge H.C. Timmonds finished his official term on the circuit bench here Wednesday afternoon.

When his court closed for the last time there was a fitting finale which marked the respect not only of Nevada's bar but also of Nevada and Vernon County people. This came with the presentation of a beautiful gold-headed cane -- a gift from members of the bar -- by Judge Charles G. Burton.

75 years ago:

Subscriber 'Cannot get along without Mail and Post.'

H.B. Gordon in writing to this office from Rochester, Minn., sends check for two years in advance subscription to the Mail and Post, saying "we could not get along without that paper."

Mr. Gorgon also sends Christmas and New Years greetings and good wishes to all old friends.

50 years ago:

Stranded motorists rescued

Sheriff Les Hunt, Captain Woody Simmons and Sgt. John Compton, of the 135th Tank Battalion, Camp Clark, and Sgt. M.L. Copenhaver, Army recruiter in this area, along with snow plows and their crews from the State Highway Commission worked all last night helping approximately 500 people who were stranded in more than 250 cars on Highway 54 between Bunnville and the Kansas like, west of Nevada, to safety.

Among Nevadans stranded by the heavy snow in the log jam of cars were Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Swede) Nelson, 1017 East Austin, and C.A. Duncan and Morris Nunn of the Farm and Home staff, who were in Fort Scott, Kan., yesterday and became stranded on their way home. Sheriff Hunt said this morning that Mr. Duncan and Mr. Nunn rode back to Nevada with him and planned to pick up their car today.

Mr. and Mrs. Blondie Webster were also among the stranded hundreds.

In an interview with Mr. Nelson this morning, he told The Daily Mail that only the highest of praise is due the sheriff and Army men along with the State Highway Commission crews for their splendid work.