The Way It Was
100 years ago:
Township question will not affect Vernon County
The question of the constitutionality of the township organization law is now one of much interest and importance and is being widely discussed, especially in counties now under township organization.
The discussion was brought about by the Lynn County case which the supreme court is expected to settle by its decision in the near future.
It has been the general opinion that the court's decision would in no way affect Vernon County because of the fact that Vernon County adopted township organization before the law was amended.
75 years ago:
W.H. Marksbury celebrates 89th birthday
W.H. Marksbury, who is "Uncle Billie" to his legion of friends, is enjoying a surprise today, it being his 89th birthday.
His church friends are giving him a postal card shower.
He was surprised also by a chicken pie dinner with all the trimmings, topped off with a cake decorated in pink roses and green candles and pink ice cream.
Mr. Marksbury came to Nevada on Dec. 6, 1880, to establish a home for himself, wife and Ira.
The neat little cottage in which he now lives was erected by himself in 1882. The property was at that time a cornfield and Nevada was a small town of about 2,500 people.
50 years ago:
Weather balloon found by Vernon County boys
Vernon County Sheriff Les Hunt has reported to the U.S. Army Signal Corps the finding of a weather balloon in the southwest part of the county. George Lee, 13, and Sammie Lee, 11, found the balloon with its weather-recording instruments in a tree on their farm near Aracadia, Kan., Monday and their mother, Mrs. Willard Lee brought the balloon into the sheriff's office yesterday.