Celebrating conservation -- annual district awards presented at dinner

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Fritz and Sharon Koopmann were awarded the 2004 Conservation Farmer Award presented by District Board treasurer Margie Campbell.

By Nancy Malcom

Nevada Daily Mail

The Vernon County Soil and Water Conservation District held its 43rd annual dinner and awards night April 8 at the Vernon County fairgrounds.

The Outstanding Grassland Farmer Award was presented to Lee and Lindsey Covington by District Board member Jeff Greer.

Awards were presented to a conservation farmer, a grassland farmer and winners of a conservation poster contest, following a chicken dinner, which has become a VCSWCD tradition.

Each year the VCSWCD takes a tour of Vernon County farms and selects the farmers who have implemented the most effective conservation techniques. These farmers are then recognized for their commitment to conservation.

Fritz and Sharon Koopmann were awarded the 2004 Conservation Farmer Award The 2004 Outstanding Grassland Farmer Award was presented to Lee and Lindsey Covington.

Throughout the school year Cecil Caldwell, district technician and Rocky Steiger, district clerk, gave presentations to third and fourth graders of Bronaugh, Sheldon, Nevada, St. Mary's, and Northeast Vernon County schools about erosion and soil conservation. Third grader Jennie Huynh, sixth place winner and fourth grade, third place winner Joshua Neely were not present.

Each participating student was challenged to create a poster around this year's theme, "Celebrate Conservation," depicting the importance of soil and water conservation to the area.

"Reaching our students with information about saving our natural resources is a very important activity for our district," said Fred Feldmann, chairman of the District Board of Supervisors.

"The education program we deliver is helping county students learn the importance of soil conservation." State Representative of the 125th district, Barney Fisher showed up to support the VCSWCD and Vernon County farmers.

Local farmers have experienced and trained federal, state and county agents to help them with all aspects of soil, water, woodlands and grassland conservation and utilization.

For more information contact US Agriculture Department service center at (417) 667-8137.

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