Man's hobby supports good cause
By Laurie Wade
Nevada Daily Mail
It takes more than 3,000 pop tabs to fill a 1-gallon container. Clayton Cavanaugh knows this for a fact because he's been collecting pop tabs since he became a resident of the Medicalodge of Nevada. He can't share exactly how many it takes -- residents are having a contest involving guessing how many it takes to fill a jug.
The Medicalodge collects pop cans for recycling to pay for their Christmas celebration and Cavanaugh collects the tabs from the pop cans as a hobby. Every year he gives some of the tabs he has collected to his great-granddaughter, Taylor Scott, to take to school.
"We put them in a big tub and give them to the Ronald McDonald House," said the Truman fourth-grader. Last year Cavanaugh gave Scott five gallons of pop tabs for the fund-raiser. This year he has given her six filled containers from his 12-gallon collection.