The Way it Was

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

100 years ago

Mae Wood suite dismissed

OMAHA, Neb. -- The sensational suit filed by Miss Mae C. Wood against U.S. Senator Thomas C. Platt, Wm. Loeb, secretary to the President, and former Postmaster General Wynne for $150,000 damages was called to court yesterday and dismissed by Judge Kennedy because no one appeared for the plaintiff.

Miss Wood alleged that she had written a book titled, "The Love Letters of a Boss," which comprised a number of letters written to her by Senator Platt.

She said that Platt, with the assistance of Wynne and Loeb, got the letters from her and refused to return them.

50 years ago

Rotarians hear address on auto industry today

Edgar Haigh, a motor engineer with General Motors in Detroit, was the guest speaker at Rotary on Thursday, at noon. at the Mitchell Hotel. Haigh is the father of Mrs. Ambrose deFlumere.

Haigh was introduced by C.H. Jones Jr., who was the scheduled speaker for the meeting.

Jones said he had visited with Haigh earlier in the day and felt Haigh earlier in the day and felt Haigh could present something new and interesting to the Rotarians and took the liberty of asking him to speak.