The Way it Was
100 years ago
Very important meeting tonight
At the meeting of the Nevada electric line committee and the Stotesbury committee held last night complications arose that seriously threatens Nevada's interest. After discussing the various questions that came up it was decided to hold a big meeting tonight which time committees will be appointed to attend the meeting at Stotesbury Monday night.
The proposition has now reached the point whereby the hearty cooperation of the farmers of the north part of the county is demanded and the best efforts of Nevada are to be put forth. If Nevada and Vernon County are to secure this line they must now get together and make a strong pull.
50 years ago
Russians set of another atomic bomb
WASHINGTON -- President Eisenhower announced today the Russians have touched off still another atomic explosion. He said this one was more powerful than the test a week ago which had the force of almost one million tons of TNT.
Eisenhower made the announcement at a news conference after recalling that last Sunday he disclosed that the Soviet Union had resumed testes of nuclear weapons.
On that occasion, while he was still in California, Eisenhower said a blast on Aug. 24, had the force of almost a megaton, or a million tons of TNT.