The Way it Was
100 years ago
Looking for daughter
The last chapter in the Corp case which was published in last night Tribune, has not come to an end yet. After filing her suit for a divorce, in which she declared that she saved her husband from a Fort Scott mob.
Mrs. Corp suddenly disappeared from her home in Nevada and she is supposed to have come to this city. Her father was in town yesterday and the day before, searching for her. It could not be certain whether he found her. Since publicity has been given this case more has been learned about the Corps. The husband and wife have only been separated a few weeks. They have a bright little boy.
When the family lived on the North Side Corp is a barber instead of a car repairer and working in one of the city shops. When he and his wife separated, he went to Webb City and she went to her former home Nevada. Corp was jealous of his wife and it is said that on one occasion while in this city he met his wife on the street, and suspecting her of infidelity stuck her in the face.
50 years ago
Registration of bicycles start Monday
Bicycle registration starts in Nevada Monday, according to Police Chief Darrell Estes Jr., and will continue until Sept. 29.
At the time of registration bicycles will be checked for the following items, serial number, make, color, size of bicycle, type and condition of brakes, make and condition of tires and the presence of a headlight or reflector.
All persons owning bicycles that meet the above listed requirements will be issued a meal bicycle license, and a bicycle drivers license upon which will be printed the rules and guides for safe riding.