Talent makes another stop in Nevada

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
U.S. Senator Jim Talent made a campaign stop in Nevada on Monday, to deliver a speech and chat with local supporters at the Vernon County Courthouse.

By Steve Moyer

Nevada Daily Mail

U.S. Senator Jim Talent visited Nevada Monday, as he traveled through southwest Missouri.

Talent focused on his accomplishments, including his co-sponsorship of a bill to move pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in the manufacture of methamphetamine, behind pharmacy counters.

"I just spoke in Lamar about methamphetamine," Talent said. "The sheriff down there just had a big bust. We are seeing a big drop in meth labs in states that used to have no laws against large purchases of cold medicines. People can't go across the line now and bring back a trailer full of cold medicine to make meth with."

Talent also pointed out the difference in who is endorsing him as opposed to who is endorsing his challenger, Claire McCaskill.

"I'm endorsed by the Farm Bureau," Talent said. "She's endorsed by the Sierra Club."

Talent also said the push to encourage ethanol and biodiesel production and use would help Missouri agriculture.

"A big part of what has been the market for oil will now be our market for agriculture products," Talent said.

Talent also spoke of the problems individuals encounter when trying to find affordable insurance.

"Health insurance is becoming a bigger and bigger problem for individuals," Talent said. "Why can't individuals get together to get the same deal as big companies? It will mean the same thing for insurance as farm co-ops mean to farmers."

Talent said that changes in lifestyles have meant a lot of adjusting for everyone.

"Who thought 30 years ago we'd be arguing over whether marriage is just between a man and a woman or something different?" Talent said.

Speaking about Amendment 2 Talent said he thought it wouldn't impact the senate race.

"I think most people will make decisions on other races without regard to that," Talent said. "Most voters don't decide on just one issue but on a variety of issues."

Talent recently became the victim of a "Google bomb" attack by Chris Bowers, a Democratic operative from Philadelphia, Pa. who serves on the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee and is a manager of the Liberal Blog Advertising Network. Bowers started asking fellow Democrats to send him links to negative articles on the 70 Republicans he is targeting Sunday.

"Google bombing" is a tactic by which someone links to an article they want to associate with a certain search on the site.

By linking the article to an individual or company, Google bombers hope to sway the way the individual or company is perceived.

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