Committee seeks new tourism coordinator
By Ralph Pokorny
Nevada Daily Mail
I.M.P.A.C.T. Nevada is looking for a new tourism coordinator to replace Charlene Winfiel, who resigned in September to be a full-time grandmother.
Kathi Wysong, Nevada-Vernon County Chamber of Commerce executive director, told the members of the tourism committee that they plan to have the city's human resources director coordinate the hunt.
"We are looking for someone who is self-motivated, outgoing, knowledge of local history and is able to give public presentations when needed," Wysong said.
The job could even be split between two people. "This might be an opportunity for job sharing," Wysong said.
She is hoping to have the job filled by Jan. 1, but whoever is hired could start sooner on a part-time basis.
"If we have not gotten enough applications in 30 days we may advertise the position ourselves," she said.
"Projects go on, tourism goes on," she said.
In the meantime, Wysong told the committee that Melissa Earll would work two days per week to complete several partially finished projects and the chamber staff would take care of other issues.
"The wayfinding signage and the 24/7 kiosk projects are close to being complete," Wysong said.
The committee is planning on installing free-standing kiosks at Cottey College and in the Wal-Mart area to hold tourist information brochures that will be available when the tourism center in the Carnegie Building is closed. They are also planning to install a brochure rack outside the Carnegie Building.
Dr. Judy Rogers, Cottey College president, said that she needs to have an idea of what the kiosk will look like so it can go through their design review process.
However, since they have not been built yet, Wysong said that the kiosks can be built to fit into desired design specifications and suggested that one of the PEOs might be able to design an appropriate one.
Terry Ramsey told the committee that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources is planning to install a historical sign at Deepwood Cemetery on Nov. 15, adding that it was originally supposed to have been installed no later than 2003.
Ramsey also said that on Oct. 12, President Bush signed the bill establishing the Freedom Frontier National Heritage Area encompassing much of eastern Kansas and the Missouri border counties, including Vernon County.
According to the U.S. National Park Service Web site: "A National Heritage Area is a place designated by the United States Congress where natural, cultural, historic and recreational resources combine to form a cohesive, nationally distinctive landscape arising from patterns of human activity shaped by geography."