Front yard artists build snowmen

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What's with the weather? That's what this 8-foot snowman on the 900 block of North Oak seems to be saying in the photo above. A week after the area was hit with a massive ice storm another storm deposited 4 to 6 inches of snow on top of the unmelted ice and sleet. All over town, snowmen popped up over the weekend as residents made the best of the snow's arrival by constructing unusually tall snowmen. At left, a leaning snowman in front of a home on Washington Street, Nevada, appears to be straining to look around the corner -- or perhaps he's mimicking a snowman across the street that a passer-by said was leaning in the same direction on Tuesday. Temperatures above the freezing mark are expected today, thawing more of the ice and snow remaining streets. As of today, the forecast for this weekend doesn't include any snow, but rain is a possibility.

Photos by Steve Moyer/Daily Mail

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