Noah praises Lights On program

Friday, April 13, 2007

By Steve Moyer

Nevada Daily Mail

The Lights On After School Program is a success according to R-5 Superintendent Craig Noah. Noah told the Nevada R-5 Board of Education the average enrollment in the three participating schools was 219 students. Truman Elementary has completed a two-week MAP Mania session to prepare students for the state-wide test and had 175 students participate during that period versus the 70 that normally stay for the after-school program.

"Our Lights On After School program continues to have a positive effect on our students," Noah said. "Our staff is doing a wonderful job and we know that the program is not only providing a quality educational benefit, the program is also providing quality after school educational care for students--at no cost to parents. We are very pleased with the program and look forward to continuing this service for the 2007-2008 school year."

Noah announced that Linda Tourtillott was chosen as the Teacher of the Year for 2006-2007. Other nominees included Marybelle Rice, Melissa Payne, Mary Culbertson and Jenny Allard.

"It is a great pleasure to announce that the Teacher of the Year is Linda Tourtillott," Noah said. "She currently teaches High School English for the Nevada R-5 district. Mrs. Tourtillott has had a very positive and long-lasting effect on her students. We congratulate all teachers nominated for this recognition, Melissa Payne, Mary Culbertson, Jenny Allard and Marybelle Rice."

Peggy Pennington and Tina Sudkamp presented information on the R-5 gifted program. Currently 34 third through eighth grade students and 20 high school students are in the program.

Board member Dr. Warren Lovinger questioned the two on the change in requirements, he wondered why the criteria seemed to be stricter than previously when the stated goal of the changes was to include more students in the program. Pennington said that the change also included provisions for staff and parents to nominate students for the program, which had not been the case before and which would allow more students to participate. After some discussion the board approved the change in the program.

The board amended the school calendar to add a day April 28 to make up for the days missed during the January ice storm. The morning bus routes will run at the regular times and school will let out at 11:30 a.m. Parents who pick up their children can pick them up at 11:30. Lunch will be provided for those who wish to eat at school. An information sheet will be sent home for parents to fill out and return to let the district know whether their children will be attending, riding the bus and/or eating lunch.

The change will allow the district to have the last day of school on Friday May 25 instead of May 29 as previously scheduled.

The board voted to approve a three-year contract with Daniel, Schell, Wolfe and Associates for a total of $31,950. The bid was not the lowest but the board used the following criteria to evaluate the proposals: Experience and expertise in Missouri school district auditing, accounting and financial affairs; past performance on similar audits; capability to meet the school district's time schedule, price and consideration of other services. The contract covers the 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years.

The board also approved a contract for depository bids for 2007-2009 with TeamBank.

"The bid from TeamBank with the guarantee of .1875 basis points above the T-bill rate and all other required services at no additional cost, provides the district with a safe and very strong bid that changes on a weekly basis with the economy," Noah said.

A third contract approved by the board was for architectural services to draw up plans and related documents for two buildings, a football concession stand and a central office building. Two bids were received, one from Hunter and Millard Architects Inc. and one from Adams and Associates. Hunter and Millard bid $9,000 for each of the two projects separately or $17,000 if awarded both projects. Adams bid 7.9 percent of the construction value.

The board then approved the renewal of the health insurance provided district employees. The new monthly rate reflects a 7.1 percent increase over last year; $342.18 up from $319.50 for an employee by themselves. The district picks up an individual's premium but the spouse, children and family rate must be paid by the employee, minus the $342.18 the district pays.

Scott Kennedy and Joy Hawks were given the oath of office by secretary Melissa Hendrix. There was no election this year since Kennedy and Hawks were the only candidates for the two seats. During the reorganization of the board Hawks was elected president of the board and Larry Forkner the vice president.

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