
Mother's Day is here

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hi neighbors. Happy Mother's Day! Are you a mother? All of us have a mother, at least a birth mother.

Some of you may have had more than one mother, maybe even before birth. A surrogate mother may have carried you for nine months before your actual biological parents took you home.

Another alternative, the well known 'test tube' baby, isn't actually carried in a test tube, science fiction aside.

You may be an adopted child. If so you have a biological mother as well as a nurturing mother.

Some children are raised by their grandparents. The role of grandmother then doubles as the role of mother.

Even if you have no living relative who you know as mother, there is probably a "motherly" role model in your life at work, church or elsewhere.

We all hold a special esteem for the mothers in our lives. True, fathers can be nurturing, caring and loving just as mothers can -- but they have their own day.

I hope you found a suitable Mother's Day gift. It's not easy.

After all, this woman has been receiving gifts longer than you've been alive. She probably already has almost anything you could think to give her.

Jewelry is a good gift for many mothers. Be sure you know her tastes first. If you are uncertain, give her a gift certificate to get some of her older jewelry cleaned.

Mother's and Grandmother's rings are always popular. These rings have birthstones for each of her children or grandchildren.

If she is into collecting things (anything from thimbles to bells), another piece to add to her collection is always nice.

You might want to give her photos, or a photo album. A cassette of her grandchildren singing or a CD with photos and music representing her life with her children and grandchildren.

Of course, the ultimate gift is time spent with her. Just being with her, talking about your own life and her role in shaping your attitude about it.

Too many times we think of our elderly parents as children and talk to them about their lives only. True, concern with how they are eating and what they are doing day to day is a good thing. But they want to hear about you and your children. They know how they spend their days.

It doesn't hurt to give Mom a call on Mother's Day too; particularly if you live too far away to come over for the afternoon, or to take her out some where.

Many mothers save every birthday, anniversary or Mother's Day card they get. If you know your Mother does this, why not buy a nice album and spend part of the day helping her dig out that box of cards and put them in the album with her. Don't let her talk you out of it by claiming it's too much trouble to dig out the box. You can be sure she knows where it is and your card will be placed safely in it before a month has passed.

Once you move out, these mothers who spent much of their 'spare' time doing laundry, cleaning house and cooking food for 20 plus years; might feel asking you to do something just for them is an intrusion.

It doesn't hurt to remember how much your mother gave to you. And it certainly isn't a crime to tell her you recognize at least some of it; and appreciate all of it.

Time with you is the greatest gift -- although a more tangible gift will be gladly accepted! Be certain that you know that the second can't replace the first. She knows.

An older mother loves nothing more than trying to recapture the feelings and sense of family that she knew when her children were home with her. There is no better sound to a mother's ears than the laughter of a child.

If you are a new mother, you probably have the best of both worlds. Your own mother is most likely still around, and you are starting that grand adventure for the first time yourself. What a wonderful bond to share between two generations of women! If you are a husband facing the first Mother's Day with your expectant wife or wife and new baby; don't panic! Remember to get a gift that not only celebrates her role as a new mother, but also her role as matriarch of a new family. It's not an easy job being a Mom! Until the next time friends remember; the nicest gift any mother ever wants is to love and be loved by her children.