
The Way it Was

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

100 years ago

Bible school work

SEDALIA, Mo. -- At yesterday's meeting of the Missouri Convention of Christian churches, Mrs. A.A. Barton of Kansas City, Mo., had charge of the primary session of the Bible school department.

Music in the primary room was presented by Miss Lelia Cunningham of Kanasas City, assisted by Miss Mollie Hughes of Independence. Miss Nannie Hopper of St. Louis spoke on the Cradle Roll.

50 years ago

Report on Nevadans at boys' state

Mike Pickett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pickett, who is one of four Nevada boys attending Boys' State in Warrensburg, has sent back a report of their activities to the Daily Mail.

His letter, dated June 18, is as follows:

"The three other boys have selected me to write the paper and report on Boys State. Things are in a turmoil and the schedule is extremely crowded. Same Fine and Gary Thurman are in Alcorn City while Bill Jones and I are in Coontz City. Gary Thurman and I are in the Federalist party while Bill Jones and Sam Fine are in the Nationalist."

"City offices held by Nevada boys area: City Clerk, Gary Thurman, and City Councilman, Sam Fine and I. Bill Jones, Sam Fine and I are up for House of Representatives and Gary Thurman is up for Probate Judge."