Council considers rehash of rules on employees' political activity, liquor sales tonight

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Nevada City Council will be considering two pieces of unfinished business during tonight's meeting.

The first will be an ordinance regulating city employees running for elective office. The second will be an ordinance to permit a gourmet food store located on, or within one block of the Nevada Square to sell liquor provided that such a store must maintain at least 40 percent of its inventory in food.

The council will also be presenting service awards to Larry Bradley and William Bishop for their service on the city's parks and recreation board.

Other business includes consideration of bids for a dredge pump at the waste water treatment plant and the first reading of an ordinance to allow former Nevada mayor Brian Leonard to sign copies of minutes from the last six months of 2005 that were "inadvertently shredded or discarded" while being scanned into the city's document management system. The city clerk has unsigned copies of the minutes that were included in the city council packets during that time period.

The council will also be considering second readings of ordinances to: establish protest procedures concerning the contracts for the city's new wastewater treatment plant; approve a supplemental agreement for highway/rail crossing improvements with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission and the Missouri Northern Arkansas Railway Company; regulate video service providers in Nevada; and release and conclude the Neighbor Improvement Dis-trict assessments on lot 11 of Ashland Estates.

The Nevada Regional Medical Center will also present their annual report and annual audit.

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