Silent auction to benefit St. Mary's School in Nevada

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Local residents can take care of some holiday shopping and help a local school at the same time on Friday.

A host of items are up for auction at St. Mary's School, 330 N. Main. The auction is being held to help raise funds for the school's Parent Teacher Organization fund to help pay for school operations.

Local businesses have donated a variety of items, including savings bonds, flashlights, candles and even a portable blood pressure machine for the silent auction, scheduled for Dec. 14, at 5 p.m. With more than 70 items up for grabs, the school is hoping for a large turnout.

In addition to the auction items the school is also conducting a drawing for a $300 Southwest Airlines gift card. Chances for the gift card cost $1 and patrons are allowed an unlimited number of entries.

Attendees don't even have to leave to eat dinner -- soup will be provided.

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