Koster introduces 'made in Missouri' bill

Thursday, January 10, 2008

JEFFERSON CITY -- Senator Chris Koster, D-Cass, has introduced a bill that would exempt state sales tax on Missouri-made vehicles sold to Missourians.

Koster said the made in Missouri bill would bring economic growth to the state by encouraging consumers to spend their hard-earned money at home, rather than sending it to other states or abroad.

This positive economic impact would flow into the state's general economy as buyers of Missouri autos are left with more discretionary income to spend on other items, he said. Increased sales and production volume will benefit Missouri auto-makers, and the additional jobs created by rising demand for Missouri-made autos will lead to a stronger local economy, Koster claims.

"This is a win-win situation for everyone involved," said Koster. "Not only are the consumers relieved of an additional tax burden, but we can breathe new life into Missouri's auto-manufacturing industry while promoting high-paying labor jobs within the state's borders."

Koster's initiative will next be referred to a Senate committee for further consideration. Committee approval returns the bill to the Senate for debate by the full body.

"I'm optimistic that the vast majority of my House and Senate colleagues will recognize the merits of this measure and act accordingly," Sen. Koster said. "The sooner this is on the books, the sooner Missouri's automakers, auto buyers and economy will benefit."

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