City council to consider jail building permit fee waiver tonight
The Nevada City Council will be considering two related issues when they meet tonight.
One will be waiving the building fee for the new jail and sheriff's office and the other will be to consider asking the Vernon County Commission to extend the lease on the property where the City-County Community Center is located for an additional 50 years. The current lease on the property expires in 15 years.
The Vernon County Commission is seeking a waiver of fees estimated at $24,782. The request came before the council on Jan. 15 and was tabled until Feb. 5, when it was once again postponed until tonight's meeting, according to city documents. The city's staff is recommending denial of the waiver.
The council will also be considering ordinances to set the fee structure for youth programs and to approve fees and promotions at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course.
They will also be considering a resolution approving travel expenses for the city clerk to attend the City Clerks Conference, March 9-12.
Jim Novak, parks board chairman, is scheduled to address the council about park projects and the council will consider the appointment of Sarah Swearingen to the library board.
Other items on the agenda include the second readings of an ordinance to approve the sale of package liquor on the Nevada Square in gourmet food stores, as well as, ordinances approving a settlement with Sprint; accepting the bid from G&G Construction Company for the construction of the new wastewater treatment plant; vacating lot lines and easements in the Klumpp subdivision at the request of the Nevada Regional Technical Center; establishing the fee structure for the use of Frank E. Peters Golf Course and approving the fee structure for Walton Family Aquatics Center.
The council will also be considering an agreement with Challenger Sports Corporation to provide a youth soccer program for the city of Nevada this summer.