Program in Lamar focuses on starting a small business

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Explore the steps to starting a new business with the University of Missouri Extension's "Starting a Small Business: The First Steps" class from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 10, at the Wolf Center located at 801 E 12th Street, Lamar, Mo.

"This workshop is designed specifically for those who are thinking about starting a business," said Kathy Macomber, small business development specialist, University of Missouri Extension. "We'll examine the importance of planning, legal and regulatory requirements, and identify sources of financing."

According to Macomber, this program will cover the three M's of money, marketing and management--and other critical steps associated with starting a business.

Program highlights include: the importance of a business plan, identifying competitors and customers, and discussing the challenges of small business ownership.

Cost for this three-hour session program is $25 and advance registration is required. Each participant will also receive a start-up manual.

To receive more information or to register, call (417) 682-3579 or stop by the Barton County Extension office in the Wolf Center, Lamar.

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