Two Sides to everything
Is the glass half full or half empty? What do you think? I like to think it's half full. I'm the kind of person who wants to believe, but that doesn't make me a fool. I've been around long enough to know there are two sides to every story, just like there are two sides to a coin. I just prefer living on the positive side.
The Bible says "the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord." Psalm 33: 5b. But it doesn't seem like it when we look through the eyes of the Media, what with the wars and genocide, crime and injustice, starvation and disease that's always before us. How can the earth be full of the goodness of the Lord when there is so much devastation? It doesn't seem possible unless we look at things from the other side.
On the other side, there's a whole lot of good going on. Babies are born everyday, about half-a-million they say, and mom's and dad's know that babies are a good thing. Farmers plant crops and good stuff grows and it tastes good too; corn and apples and watermelon and potatoes. It's amazing what some ladies can do with a potato. They can bake um and fry um and cheese um. It's all good.
I believe when we look on the other side, we see a goodness woven into the fabric of life. Take people, for an example. Have you ever noticed how a complete stranger will try to hold the door for you? They don't stand and hold it like a doorman, but as they pass through they tend to pause just a moment and hold it. And it doesn't matter who they are, black, white, tattooed, straight laced, clean or dirty; nine times out of ten, they'll hold that door. So why do you think they do it? Could it be that there really is a DNA of goodness that's woven into the fabric of life; the Bible says "the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."