Five statewide ballot issues pass

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Amendment 1


Amendment 2


Proposition A


Proposition B


Proposition C


Early tallies, with absentee and one precinct reporting, showed all Missouri ballot issues taking a strong lead in Vernon County. Amendment 1, designating English as the official language held the strongest "Yes" margin.

Amendment 4, relating to funding mechanisms for water and sewer provisions, also was enjoying a big lead.

Proposition A, repealing loss limits for casinos, relaxing identification requirements for entering casinos, restricting the number of casino licenses, increasing the casino tax and creating a specific education fund for the funds generated was also winning the voters' favor.

Proposition B, a home health care initiative, also was doing well, as was Proposition C, requiring investor-owned utilities to increase amounts of energy derived from renewable sources to 15 percent by 2021.

No statewide results were available as of 7:50 p.m., but later Tuesday evening the results poured in, with all of the ballot issues passing by huge margins. By 10 p.m., victory seemed likely for all of the issues, with the casino initiative garnering the smallest margin in favor of it -- 55.2 percent, yes; 44.8 percent, no.

Amendment 1 was passing with more than 88 percent of the vote; Amendment 4 was passing with 56.9 percent of the vote; Proposition B was passing with 74.4 percent of the vote in favor of it, and Proposition C was passing with 65 percent of the vote. By 11:30, with 88 percent of precincts reporting, ballot issues all carried a strong majority in favor of them.

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