Santa's Hoedown goes on despite weather

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tex Glitter (Joel Baer) does his part to make Christmas happen in hard times. --Photos by Neoma Foreman/Special to the Daily Mail

The Northeast Vernon County music department presented its winter production, a Christmas-themed show called "Santa's Holiday Hoedown" on Monday, Dec. 15.

Nearly half of the cast missed the performance due to illness, and inclement weather threatened to cancel the production altogether, but the show went on. The musical, a story of Santa, his reindeer and elves, who pull together to create a country music show to fund the financially floundering Christmas, featured elementary school students in roles, with older students in speaking roles and high school students singing in the program as well.

Shannon Gray sings during the Northeast Vernon County holiday production of "Santa's Holiday Hoedown," presented Monday, Dec. 15, at the NEVC Walker campus.
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