Ozark Empire Fair seeks quality entries for hay show

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hay growers are reminded that entries for the Ozark Empire Fair Hay Show are being accepted until July 10. Entries may be small rectangular bales or big round bales of hay harvested in 2009.

The season has not been favorable for harvesting top quality hay, according to Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist.

"Hopefully, the second cutting will be put up in better shape and maybe it will be a good candidate for the Ozark Empire Fair Hay Show," said Cole.

Each year since 1985 the Ozark Empire Fair, University of Missouri Extension and a group of sponsors have held a hay show at the fair. Many of the local entries also end up at the Missouri State Fair Hay Show.

Cole says MU Extension is interested in showcasing producers who do an exceptional job of producing hay and also focusing attention on one of the largest enterprises in the southwest part of the state.

"The show aids in marketing hay and lets people know that hay doesn't have to cross a state line to be a valuable feed. The show has also helped farmers understand the results as they are reported from the hay testing lab," said Cole.

The show is not loaded with prize money but each year the southwest part of the state sends 20 or more entries on to the Missouri State Fair and they do represent the area well.

As the weather improves for hay production, Cole hopes more producers will be curious and have samples collected by MU Extension specialists.

Hay producers interested in submitting a fair entry should call the nearest MU Extension center and schedule a farm visit from an agronomy specialist. Deadline for entry notice is July 10 an there is a cost for the hay analysis.

Persons wanting to see how their hay stacks up in 2009 should contact their nearest extension center for entry forms and details. If you have questions, contact Eldon Cole, (417) 466-3102, Tim Schnakenberg, (417) 357-6812, or Brie Menjolet (417) 745-6767 or Bob Schultheis (417) 859-2044.

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