Council to hear audit report tonight

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Nevada City Council will be going back to school tonight during a special council meeting at 6 o'clock, to learn how to keep out of trouble. The public liability training is a requirement of the city's insurance carrier.

Then at 7 p.m., the council will get down to work with a lengthy agenda, starting with the audit report by DSWA.

They will also be considering the purchase of three used vehicles, two police cars and a minivan for the IT department.

Other items under consideration include the first reading of ordinances to approving an agreement with Allgeier, Martin and Associates for miscellaneous engineering services, a special ordinance approving an additional manhole on the south interceptor sewer line and a special ordinance approving paying Rosetta Construction LLC for the additional sewer line work they did on the Locust Street project.

The council will also be having the second readings of a dozen ordinances including measures to accept a drainage easement from Blake and Amy Hertzberg; to acquire additional right-of-way for two street construction projects; approving a contract for an emergency shelter grant for the Moss House; and to set the date for a primary election and approving a contract with Jeffries Plumbing for HVAC installation and services for the city hall.

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