Police Reports Oct. 6, 10, 11
Oct. 6
A burglary was reported on the 300 block of Highland, made by the First Baptist Church, of Nevada. Cash was reported stolen.
A petty theft from a motor vehicle on the 3300 block of east Austin, made by Angela Hallam, of Butler, Mo. She reported a date book, social security card, and registration stolen.
Oct. 10
An accident occurred at 12:20 p.m., on Walnut and Lynn, made by Cynthia I. Magsam, of Nevada, and a pickup driven by Daryl L. Ast, of Nevada. Magsam was listed with evident, but not disabling injuries and Ast was listen with probable, but not apparent injuries.
Oct. 11
An accident occurred at 11:11 p.m., at 301 E. Highland, involving a SUV driven by George E. Hardy II, of Walker, Mo., and a parked car owned by Brandon Risher, Nevada. No injuries were reported.