Local volunteers learn lifesaving skills at training session

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Max and Donna Wagner, local volunteers with the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team, attended the American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid training held in El Dorado Springs on Saturday. Greg Johnson and Kathy Dennis from the Greater Ozarks Chapter of the American Red Cross instructed volunteers on proper CPR/AED/ and First Aid techniques. Kathy Dennis, who is the Regional DAT coordinator, encourages all volunteers serving on DAT teams to be CPR trained. Locally, the Red Cross chapter maintains a Disaster Action Team available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to disasters. The team's goal is to be at the scene of the disaster at a moments notice to provide comfort, by providing blankets and teddy bears and assistance in the form of money for lodging and other items as needed. The American Red Cross works the year 'round with city, county and state emergency management agencies to facilitate disaster preparedness and planning. Ongoing efforts continue for recruiting and training volunteers and securing resources for sheltering, communications and supplies. If you would like to become a Red Cross volunteer serving locally, please contact Peggy Tedlock at (417) 667-5563 or Joyce Wallace (local recruiter) at (417) 465-2655 or joycewallace@hotmail.com. --submitted photo

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