City of Nevada leaf pickup begins
The city of Nevada Public Works is beginning its annual leaf pickup.
Twigs, bagged leaves or limbs will not be accepted. Please have the leaves raked behind the curb and not in the street.
The compost site located at 702 S. Jefferson is also available to all city residence to dispose of waste items including tree limbs, grass clippings and un-bagged leaves.
Hours of operation for the compost site are every Wednesday from 7 a.m. -- 6 p.m. and the first and third Saturday's from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.. City crews will make another round to pick up the leaves sometime around the end of December, weather permitting.
Leaf pickup will begin in the Southwest quarter then moving on to the Northwest, Northeast and Southeast being the last quarter, according to a press release from the city.