Public hearing on Nevada budget to be held tonight

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Nevada City Council will be holding a public hearing and considering the first reading of the city's 2010 fiscal budget and the city's five-year capital improvement budget during tonight's meeting at 6 o'clock, in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St., Nevada.

The city's proposed $17.8 million budget includes about $4.9 million for personnel, $4.3 million for supplies, $6.6 million for capitol projects, $1 million for debt service and $327,000 for capital outlay.

The total operating budget for 2010 is about $38,500 less than the budget was for 2009.

Nevada City Manager Harlan Moore said that he took a very conservative approach to the budget, keeping in mind the uncertain predictions for the economy in 2010 and 2011.

Moore said that the 2010 budget does not reduce services to the public or have any staff reductions or cuts in pay and benefits. It also does not include any pay raises.

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