Nevada brings home top overall prize in drill meet
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Nevada JROTC unarmed exhibition won them a first place finish Saturday at the Nevada High School gym. Nevada took home the overall first place trophy with firsts in Unarmed IDR, Unarmed Exhibition, and Armed Exhibition. Full results: Overall: Nevada, first; Joplin, second. Color Guard: Blue Springs, first; Knob Knoster, second; Lee's Summit North, third. Armed IDR: Blue Springs, first; Joplin, second; Highland Park, third. Unarmed IDR: Nevada, first; Blue Springs, second; Lee's Summit North, third. Armed Exhibition: Nevada, first; Joplin, second; and Lee's Summit West, third. Unarmed Exhibition: Nevada, first; Joplin, second; and Lee's Summit North, third. Overall: Nevada, first; Joplin, second. --Photos by Steve Moyer/Daily Mail
Members of the Armed Exhibition squad of the Nevada JROTC demonstrate spinning rifles sequentially.
The Nevada JROTC brought home the overall win Saturday at the drill meet they hosted in the Wynn Gymnasium. Part of that overall win was their performance with their armed exhibition team. Here the group ends their first place performance with one of their signature moves.