State enacts new personal property reporting rules

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Vernon County Assessor Cherie Roberts is spreading the word -- there are new personal property reporting requirements in place for owners of manufactured home parks, manufactured home storage facilities, marinas or any hangars.

These property owners will be required to report to the county assessor certain information about personal property owned by others that is located at these facilities by March 1, 2010, Next year, such reports will be due Jan. 30.

Personal property that must be reported is any house trailer, manufactured home, boat, vessel, floating home, floating structure, airplane or aircraft. The list of personal property must be accompanied by the name and address of the owner of the personal property, the county of residence of the owner, if known, and a description of the personal property. If the owner of the facility fails to make a timely report or fails to include all the information, the assessor may assess the proper to the owner of the facility and assess a penalty ranging from $10 to $100, based upon the value of the property not reported.

Roberts said she received a memo to this effect from the state tax commission this week.

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