City to host final dog license clinic on Feb. 20

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

City of Nevada dog licenses must be purchased or renewed by March 1, and the last of a series of clinics hosted by the city is slated for Feb. 20, from 1 to 3 p.m., with Dr. Brad Copeland from the Nevada Veterinarian Clinic, at the Marmaduke Park community building.

The clinics aim to provide a convenient way for dog owners to secure vaccinations if needed and to purchase the license.

Dogs older than 6 months old must be licensed. The fee is $2 for each spayed female or neutered male, $5 for unneutered males and $7.50 for unspayed females.

To obtain the license, owners must provide proof of rabies vaccination. Vaccinations will be available at the clinic.

Licenses are issued for the calendar year beginning Jan. 1 and are considered delinquent after March 1, after which a penalty is assessed.

Dog licenses must be worn by the dog, attached to a collar, and are not transferable from one dog to another, according to the related city ordinance.

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