Reduced Shakespeare to perform March 25 at Cottey

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Reduced Shake-speare company will bring their zany interpretation of the Bard's works to Cottey College on Thursday, March 25, at 8 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts.

This three-man comedy troupe is known for taking long, serious subjects and reducing them into short, sharp comedies.

They have been seen around the world on stage, television, and the Internet, and are frequently heard on the radio.

During this special performance, the troupe will perform The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) which condenses all 37 of his plays into 97 minutes. The Today Show said about the performance "If you like Shakespeare, you'll like this show. If you hate Shakespeare, you'll LOVE this show!"

Tickets for the Reduced Shakespeare Company are $8 for adults and $6 for those under 18 or over 62 years of age.

Tickets will be available at the door the night of the performance.

The Center for the Arts is on the northeast corner of Austin and Tower streets in Nevada.

Financial assistance for the Reduced Shakespeare Company has been provided by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency, and the Mid-America Arts Alliance.

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