City allows open burning through May 2

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Open burning will be allowed in the city limits of Nevada, now through Sunday, May 2. During this period residents will not have to call the fire station for permission to burn, however, the following rules must be adhered to:

* Winds, at time of burning, cannot exceed 15 mph. Permission to burn will be revoked if complaints are received from neighbors.

* Garden hose or fire extinguisher shall be available at all times to extinguish fire.

* All burning shall be constantly attended by a competent person until the fire is completely extinguished.

* Size of fire cannot exceed 72-by-72-by-48 inches high, and must be within a cleared area.

* Fire must be fully extinguished when unattended.

* The hours for open burning are daylight to dusk.

* Open burning shall be a minimum of 25 feet from any structure.

* No flammable or combustible liquid shall be used to start or promote burning.

* Burning garbage, rubber, plastics, leather, dead animals, bedding furniture, or trash containing food cans, bottles, and disposable diapers is prohibited.

* Burning of any combustible material in any manner that creates a hazard to property or persons is prohibited.

* No person shall burn any material upon public right-of-way (streets, sidewalks, etc.).

For more information, call the Nevada Fire Department (417) 448-2720.

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