NHS class of '90 gathers in July

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Nevada High School Class of 1990 gathered in Nevada on Friday, July 30, and Saturday, July 31, to celebrate their 20-year class reunion. On Friday evening the class held an informal social event at Casa Azteca. Saturday afternoon many of the classmates gathered with their families at the Franklin P. Norman City-County Community Center for refreshments and then toured the high school. A formal dinner was held Saturday evening at the Nevada Country Club. Erin Ketterman took the class photo. Reunion attendees: front row, Thomas Rose, Mark Galus, Meridith Nelson, Kim Farmer Vandiver, Marla Padgett Flynn, and Joe Flynn; second row, Kindra Long Smith, Jenny Gragg Allard, Tonia Hacker Bowman, Chris Krall, Gary Richmond, Kristin Erpenbach Koch, Robin McHugh, Carrie Williams and Christina Wilson Booth; third row, Shane Stidham, Mike Judd, Randy Kimzey, Jeff Krall, Mike Hawks, Erik Stratman, Jenifer Post Staab and Mary Lawhorne Wilson; back row, Jeff Gammon, Shaun Morgan, Matt Ketterman, Joe Sloniker, Michael Millman, Scott Craig, Dana Deatherage Schott, and Sherri Ernsbarger Eador. Attendees not pictured: Kelly Otter, Lester Allison, Heath Hignutt, Matthew Witte, Monte Padgett, Kristin Thomas, Jennifer Thomas, Jeremy Swarnes, Michael Lehmann, Brandon Farnham, and Marla McConnaughey Vaughn.

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