Kelsie A. Lambert - Clinton R. Proehl

Jim and Phyllis Lambert, Fredonia, Kan., formerly of Fort Scott, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kelsie Annette Lambert, to Clifton Randall Proehl, son of Randy and Gayla Proehl, Emporia, Kan.
Kelsie is a 2002 graduate of Fredonia High School, attended Fort Scott Community College in 2002 and was a member of the FSCC volleyball team. She graduated from Emporia State University in 2007, with a Bachelor of Science in Education. She is the granddaughter of Gertrude Moore, Fort Scott, and Naomi Lambert, Topeka, Kan. Kelsie is currently employed with the Independence School District as a second grade teacher.
Clifton is a 2000 graduate of Emporia High School and a 2004 graduate of Pittsburg State University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology. He is the grandson of Wayne and Donna Proehl, Emporia, Kan., and Richard and Catherine Schmidt, Hartford, Kan. Clif is currently employed as a manager of operations at
The couple plan to wed in Independence, Kan., in March 2011.