Fans don't let fans drive drunk

Friday, February 3, 2012

This weekend, many people will be watching the big game or having a party, and they'll need a pre-game plan for a safe and sober ride home.

The Missouri Depart-ment of Transportation has a helpful app for those who have been drinking, or anyone who hosted a party and served alcohol -- it's a free app called Show Me My Buzz.

"Sometimes it's hard to convince people, particularly those who have been drinking, that they shouldn't drive," said Leanna Depue, MoDOT's director of Highway Safety. "MoDOT's Show Me My Buzz app is intended to get people talking about the fact that any amount of alcohol impairs the ability to drive."

The free smartphone app, now available in both the Apple App Store and the Android Market, suggests designating a driver who has not been drinking is the only safe option. In more urban areas, it will even provide the phone number of a local cab company with just a tap of the screen.

Alcohol affects everyone differently. Influenc-ing factors include food consumption, medication, health and psychological conditions.

The best plan, experts say, is to always designate a sober driver. A sober driver is someone who has not had anything to drink.

According to statistics provided by MoDOT, there were 213 crashes in Missouri on Super Bowl Sunday 2011. Three people were killed and 62 were injured. One person was killed and seven were injured in the 22 crashes that involved an impaired driver.

"It is never a good idea to drink and drive," said Depue. "So on Superbowl Sunday get your head in the game, designate a driver and help your friends download an app that could save their lives."

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