Extension to host workshop on use of electric fencing

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Are deer and other critters eating more from your garden than you are? Have you thought about putting up an electric fence but haven't been sure how to go about it?

Area gardeners will have the opportunity to learn more about using electric fencing at a hands-on demonstration to be presented by Al Decker, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist, March 29, at 5:30 p.m. at 13314 E. Nelson, Nevada.

The site is located northwest of Rolling Acres subdivision. Watch for signs from U.S. 54 Highway west of Nevada.

To attend, call in reservations by March 28 to (417) 448-2560. Dress appropriately and wear outdoor shoes -- the terrain may be uneven. The event may be postponed in case of bad weather.

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