Tigers working out with 2012 football season in mind
By Jason Peake
Daily Mail Sports Editor
NEVADA -- Alex Payne had just finished a baseball game on Monday night -- but he was thinking about football.
"I can't wait for the season to get here," Payne, last year's starting quarterback, said. "We're going to be good."
Payne and his fellow Nevada Tigers have been working out under the direction of the football coaching staff. Nevada Head Coach Wes Beachler said the team has been meeting in the mornings.
"We're doing basic drills and we're working on more team concepts," Beachler said. "They (MSHSAA) allow a little more now. We get 25 contact days in the summer now."
The football players have been lifting weights and conditioning early in the morning. The coaches are also putting the athletes through individual drills, as well.
Beachler said the numbers have been very good.
"One day we had 86 kids here," Beachler said. "We usually have 75-80 kids every day. I think we could be up to 90 to 100 by the time the season starts."
Those numbers show there's definitely excitement in the air for NHS football. Consider the numbers -- there were 53 players on the team in 2010.
Several of the football players have other things going on this summer, too, with American Legion baseball, wrestling and basketball camps, to name a few.
Beachler said the workouts have been going well.
"I think the kids are enjoying it," he said. "They're getting back to work. I think they're pretty excited to be together."
Also of note, Beachler and his staff will be holding the high school team camp the weeks of July 16 and 23. The cost is $25 per camper. The camp is open to any high school boy.
Despite the heat, the Tigers will be working out this week with the upcoming season in mind.
"We're telling the kids to work hard and to lift hard," Beachler noted. "The season will be here in a snap of a finger."
He's not joking. The season is just over a month away. The first day high school football teams can begin practicing is August 6.
Payne, like many of his teammates, is counting down the days.
"I can't wait."
2012 regular season schedule
8-24 vs. Holden
8-31 vs. Willard
9-7 vs. Oak Grove
9-14 at Pleasant Hill
9-21vs. El Dorado Springs
9-28 vs. KC Northeast
10-5 at Springfield Central
10-12 at McDonald County
10-19 vs. Stockton