Community center hours reduced for summer

Friday, June 29, 2012

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

The weather is hot and things are moving a little slower these days at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center.

In recent weeks the evening usage of the center has dropped off and parks director Dana Redburn told the parks board Wednesday evening that as of July 5, the community center will be closing at 7 p.m. It's a temporary measure, and the community center will go back to its regular hours in mid-August.

However, if the weather continues to be hot, they will look at extending the hours if the facility is needed as a cooling center.

Redburn also reported that the parks department's recent attempt at chasing the geese away from Walton and Radio Springs lakes was a failure.

The first time the firecracker-like devices were used, the geese ran to the water to get away. The second time that day they walked to the water.

"The next morning they ignored it," Redburn told the board.

Now she said, the parks department is looking at other methods of scaring the birds away.

One option that was suggested and rejected was to get a park dog that is trained to chase the geese.

Another method would use amber strobe lights that float in the lake and flash erratically.

"I talked to a golf course that uses the strobe lights and they swear that they work," she said.

However, Redburn said that she is concerned about the flashing strobes possibly triggering an epileptic seizure and wants to do more research on possible problems.

She said the strobe lights cost about $400 each and they would need three of them -- one each for Radio Springs, Walton and the golf course.

If the geese move to the golf course, they can quickly destroy a green, she said.

Redburn told the board that when the city replaced the culvert on Spring Street next to Spring Street Park, the water flow through the park increased and is causing erosion of the stream bank.

"There is also a lot of run-off on the east hill in the park," she said.

To help reduce the erosion, she said, they are grading the banks and are planning to line the creek with a natural-appearing rip-rap and do some plantings.

"There is a lot going on in Spring Street Park right now. I think you will be very happy when it's done," she said.

Redburn told the board the parks department has several activities scheduled in the near future.

On July 14 they are holding Breakfast With Santa to help the Vernon County Ambulance District get an early start with their Christmas toy drive.

Also in July, they are planning to hold a Flick and Float at The Walton Family Aquatic Center, with the movie starting at dusk. Admission will be a toy to donate to the Ambulance District toy drive.

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