On My Own, Inc. to mark 15 years with free picnic
Nevada Daily Mail
On My Own, Inc. will celebrate 15 years of helping people with a disability in Bates, Cedar, Hickory, St. Clair and Vernon Counties live independent lives.
The anniversary will be celebrated in conjunction with the 22nd birthday of the Americans with Disabilities Act. More than 50 million Americans, or one in five people, are living with at least one disability, and most Americans will experience a disability some time during the course of their lives. These Americans are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which has helped remove or reduce many social and physical barriers for people with disabilities. The ADA was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990; the ADA protects the civil rights of people with disabilities. The legislation established a clear and concise national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. In the last 22 years, the ADA has expanded opportunities for individuals in the community by reducing barriers, changing perceptions, and increasing participation in community life.
Improving the health and wellness of people with
Good health is important to work, learn, and fully participate in society, an On My Own press release said. Having a disability does not mean a person is not healthy or that he or she cannot be healthy.
People with disabilities face many barriers to good health. They need health care and health programs for the same reasons anyone else does -- to stay well, active, and a part of the community. That means having the tools and information to make healthy choices and knowing how to prevent illness.
On My Own, Inc., in Vernon County
On My Own, Inc. Executive Director Jennifer Gundy, said the mission of the local facility is that of "Empowering people with disabilities to live as full and productive members of society. We strive to offer services for our community members to allow them to live in their own homes. We provide home modifications and ramps, equipment loans, adaptive telephones, advocacy, peer support, independent living skills training and in home care at little or no charge to the consumer. We have expanded our programs to include a parent support group, transition work with Nevada R-5 students, exercise and healthy living classes and we are excited about our newest payee program to help our consumers with their finances."
On My Own, Inc., also offers care for veterans and children. "Whether you are searching for a support system, looking for assistance in making your home accessible, or needing in-home nursing services or an in home attendant, On My Own, Inc. can help. On My Own offers services to people of all ages," the press release said.
On My Own, Inc. will be celebrating the 15th anniversary with a free community picnic Thursday, July 26. The picnic is open to the public, 11a.m.-1 p.m., at On My Own, Inc., located at 428 E. Highland. Tours of the On My Own Facility also will be offered during the picnic. For more information contact, On My Own at (417) 667-7007 or (800) 362-8852.