Several projects in the works for 2013, city manager says

Friday, December 28, 2012

By Lynn A. Wade

Nevada Daily Mail

With the budget passed and the 5-0 vote officially recorded on Dec. 18, city manager JD Kehrman told the council that evening that there's plenty of activity on its way in 2013.

One of the first things on the city's agenda is the sale of four surplus vehicles. Sealed bids are now being accepted on a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria, a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria, a 1988 Ford pickup and a 1981 GMC 2-ton utility truck. There's a minimum bid of $300 set on each vehicle. To view the bid documents and for more information, visit www.nevada

The deadline for bids is 2 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 15.

"We won a grant in 2011 to help pay for a study on the water system, and Algier-Martin has pretty much completed that study," Kehrman said, adding that the study shows that interior maintenance of the water tower is "long overdue," and the study recommends putting the means in place to better manage water supply issues in the event of a natural disaster.

"This is going to be a good tool; and it was paid for in part by a grant from the DNR," Kehrman said.

Improvements to the crosswalk at Hickory and Ash streets could be in the future for Nevada as well. The idea hasn't met with a great deal of support from the Missouri Department of Transportation in the past, but recent discussions have left Kehrman with the impression that MoDOT's more interested in working with the city on the matter.

"The attitude has shifted a little bit," and, Kehrman said, the city has about $150,000 in surface transportation funds that could be dedicated to this project.

The city is also looking into the idea of additional signage or other means of making crossing Ash at Cherry Street safer. More information about these safety ideas should be forthcoming in the next quarter.

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