National Day of Prayer

Friday, May 3, 2013
Nevada residents Rick Richter, his wife, Marcy, and daughter Hailee, sitting in the front row, clasp hands as they join Chad Bailey, pastor of Pine Street Baptist Church, as he leads a prayer for families, during National Day of Prayer activities Thursday. The event was to be held on the grounds of the Vernon County Courthouse, but moved to the third floor of the courthouse because of Thursday's cold, wet weather. Organizer Gray Clark said the standing-room-only crowd was the largest in the history of the event. "We easily have more than 200 here," he said. Gray said he was worried about attendance, given the bleak weather forecast, but was extremely happy so many people came out to pray. Sharon Knight/Daily Mail

Gideons Chaplain Denny Williams, leads the group attending the National Day of Prayer recognition in reciting Psalms 51. Williams was one of several local ministers who read or led prayers on everything from defeat of abortion, moral purity, Congress and Missouri legislators to front line Christian warriors, repentance, rekindling family values, putting Christianity back in the public square, God's word and true Christian character. Sharon Knight/Daily Mail
Ginger Patchin, of Nevada, cuddles her 10-week baby, Nadine, as she prays. Sharon Knight/Daily Mail
The Rev. Chad Bailey, pastor of Pine Street Baptist Church, right, leads those attending the National Day of Prayer in Vernon County in singing the "The Star Spangled Banner." The group also sang a verse of "My Country Tis of Thee" and the "Doxology."
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